Sunday, September 5, 2010

The First Week of School

Hello Helping Hands Family School families and friends,
Here are some quick pics from Friday.  I don't have a photo of every child yet but I will soon. 
Our first three days were lovely and full of smiles. Here Marley and Jack shared a seat on the fence while waiting for a cold drink. All the children seemed happy to be here and to enjoy playing with one another.  The outdoor space is so big and beautiful; it was fun to watch the kids run here and there and every where when they first reached the play yard.

 Some of our outdoor explorers (lead by Emmet who knows his way around) discovered the blue berry bushes and quickly devoured any of the summer season's lingering blueberries.
A fuzzy caterpillar was also found climbing a tree and several inquisitive friends made observations while they watched him crawl away. Drew and Emmet stayed until the little creepy crawly made his way high up into the tree.  What a wonderful first three days~  Thanks everyone, for having these amazing little people and for sharing them with me, Jenn and Mallory.  How blessed we are!  Enjoy your weekend.

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